It's been a little over 5 months since I last posted. I didn't really have any expectations on how many people I thought would reply, but literally, no one replied in contrast to the two or three bbs or reddit posts people have made about this old flash. My inbox is empty, there are no comments on any of my posts, and aside from one response to an old submission, the response has been incredibly low.
I'm a little happy about that; It's as if though I've been wiped from the face of internet history.
If there was anything I felt embarassed about in the past, I am absolutely sure that feeling is absolutely gone now.
I dont intend to sign into newgrounds for many more months. Clearly people don't care as much as I thought but I am far from offended. I am delighted.
Thank you very much newgrounds. Goodbye.
Every so often, one of my friends links me to a google result related to theintriguingmovietitl, and its either a lone post on reddit, GaiaOnline or an old forum no one visits, asking about 'what happened to it/where is it'; I'm aware that my last post shows up in those results too.
I'm trying not to make a big deal out of this. If you're interested in a copy of the flash I posted years ago, post a comment below where I can find you.
Thank you.
yo, can i get a copy of the flash file? I've literally been looking for this video for years, and finally recognized the bone marrow video as being similar.